“Computer photography won’t be photography as we know it. I think photography will always be chemical.”
"Why film?" you ask. "Isn't it a dying medium?"
Even with the mass production of digital instant gratification, there is still a small but growing segment of photographers who still shoot film or are going back to film or are trying it for the first time...and do it very well. Film looks and feels and reacts to light differently than digital.
It's not that film is better or digital is better. They are just different. And different can be good...very good.
Film has been whispering for me to explore how it can be so gratifying to wait for the perfect moment and then click. And it has allowed me to be ok with the imperfections because it is so forgiving.
I like to compare digital and film to watercolors and oils. They are just means to express a creative vision and both can be beautiful when utilized correctly.
So I'd like to consider myself a hybrid shooter...I will shoot whatever feels right at the moment or what is needed for the situation.
I don't like to box myself in.